Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Happy Pioneer Day

I'm a fan of flags, and I really love it when flags are cool. Most of them aren't, particularly the flags of US states. They pretty much all tend to be what flag-lovers call a seal on a bedsheet. That's when they take the seal of the state or the city and just slap it on a plain one color rectangle of fabric. In the US, it's generally a deep blue sheet.

I've collected flags for a little while, and I put them up when I can. I have flags for the countries that the people in my family have lived in and I also have them for the states I've lived in. I like to put them up on the days that a person should fly the flag for that state. So, having lived in Utah in the past, I have my flag for that state and I put it up on July 24th, which is the official state holiday.

Wait, did I say the flag for that state? Whoops. I have two flags for that state, because they recently changed their flag. The movement to improve state and city flags into something worth being proud of reached Utah, and they swapped out their seal on a bedsheet for something more interesting. For fun, this Pioneer Day, I went ahead and put up both of my Utah flags at once. Check it out:

I tried to get some shots with them unfurled, but it was pretty hard. The wind didn't want to cooperate.

Those were the best I could get. Hope you liked them. It's probably the last time I'll fly the old flag. The seal on a bedsheet thing really doesn't do it for me. The new flag is so much better.

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