Saturday, July 20, 2024


I put this figure on pre-order ages ago, because I have all of the other Dreadnoks, and there was no way I was going to miss out on the final member of the group. Usually, with a pre-order from Amazon, I find the figure in the store a month or more before Amazon is ready to send it out to me, and it seemed like it would be that way with this one too. I was originally told that it was coming on July 1st, but then I got successive notices postponing it until it recently was expected to come August 28th. Except then, Sunday, I was told to expect the figure to arrive on Tuesday. Oh, that's a change.

And here it is.

He's pretty great. He looks awesome, and he comes with several flame effects. The one you see above and these two below.

They're cool enough, that I had a hard time deciding which one to go with. Oh, and check this out:

Those glasses aren't removable. They don't come off, they're sculpted on his face. Every other member of the Dreadnoks has removable glasses, and they don't stay on very well. They'll sit on there as long as conditions are ideal, but the slightest gust of a breeze from the air conditioning will topple these guys, and then the glasses go flying. They're so small, that they're almost impossible to find. I don't say all of this out of speculation, I've dealt with it with BOTH of my other Dreadnoks. I managed to find the glasses for Ripper again after the loss, but not so with Buzzer.

There he is, no glasses. But he needs the glasses. He looks lame without them. So, I'm going to have to buy some off eBay or something. I looked once, and found that the guy selling them was charging $10 just for the tiny little glasses. Rish told me to wait and see if maybe Buzzer appears at a Ross, because then I could get a set of glasses for much less. I suppose we'll see. I don't have high hopes. I wish they'd sculpted the glasses on all of them instead of just the last one. I bet they got enough complaints from customers that they realized they had to change their ways.

Anyway, I now have all the Dreadnoks. Here they are:

They're pretty great, and I feel a little sense of satisfaction for being able to amass them all. They have announced a new Dreadnok called Gnawgahyde, but I will not be buying that one. As far I'm concerned, there are only three Dreadnoks. They kept adding to that bunch for years after I stopped paying any attention to GI Joe when I was younger. With these guys, I only collect the figures that existed in the line before I aged out of GI Joe. So, I am totally done with the Dreadnoks, and it feels good.

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