Thursday, April 6, 2023

Another Failure, How Do I Turn It Around? Road To 50 Challenge: Update 2

After my original failure, I managed to get back on the wagon after only one day...a record for me. Usually it takes me months. 

A few days later, however, I fell to my cravings again. I still managed to get back at it, but this time it took two days. 

Two days is nothing, and would be a record as well, if it hadn't been for the one day fix earlier in the week. The problem is that I really need to stop the failures. If for nothing else, I can't keep switching from ketogenic back to sugar-burning and back to ketogenic again. It's tough on the body and the mind. 

So, it's time to put a stop to it. I'm making a goal to go BBBE the full seven days and earn an extra point. I don't care that Easter is this week. I've got to fix myself now. If I don't, I'll need to be resurrected too. 

So, I'm going for it now, and by Wednesday of next week, I'll have earned back one point toward removing my failure.


nuremon said...

Have you thought that maybe the "no carbs at all" approach may either not really work or just not be right for you?
I have a hard time hearing you say that fruits and vegetables are bad for you. I'm not a doctor, but I've had not luck with extremely limited dieting. I've also gained a lot of weight back and am probably on a similar trajectory to you, but I know I lost weight by starting with Whole 30 and then backing off to a livable approach. Really, I just try to read labels and not eat sugar that's been as refined as cocaine.
Again, this is not judgement, but you'll likely be happiest with an approach that you can stick to.

Big Anklevich said...

I have thought about that a lot. If you look back through this blog, I've done those things too. I got serious about trying to get it together back in 2009. I lost a ton of weight, got down as low as I'd been in more than a decade, and then gained it all back despite doing crossfit and many other things.

I'm not like you. Everybody has different levels they can go to. I am an addict. If I eat sugar, then I EAT SUGAR. I take it to the limit. I go on a bender, and having just a little is not something I can handle. Fruits are sugar, and would activate me. Vegetables aren't...well, some of them aren't. I think people consider potatoes and corn and carrots to be vegetables, and they are sugar as well. There's non-starchy vegetables too, but they don't have anything in them that I need that I don't get even better from meat. On top of that, most plant material has some sort of anti-nutrients that block you from absorbing the vitamin you're trying to get from it.

Veggies don't particular excite me. I don't hate them, but I don't miss them. And if they can even block my nutrient uptake, then why bother?

Yes, it's hard to make this changeover, but I'm convinced it is 100% the best thing I can do, and I've seen dozens and dozens of people who have done it for more than a decade. I'll get there, even if it's hard.