Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Bad Weather

Continuing from my post from yesterday, I kept going with more spaceship weathering. I moved on to the ship that I most wanted to weather since starting this collection of Lightyear Hyperspeed Series ships. This is the Armadillo...with a name like that, Star Command probably constructed it right here in Texas...and I love the look of it.

I found it for half off at Target a long time ago. It was the first Lightyear ship I ever bought.

It kind of looks like a big brick of brown poop or something straight out of the box, but it is ready to be turned into something much cooler. The first thing I did was take the teeth sticker off. I'm not a fan of that. I don't know why Star Wars had to put that onto all of their Clone Wars ships, ripping off the WWII planes that did that. 

The prequels suck, and even though people say Clone Wars improved upon them, giving them good back story and the like, it is still prequels era garbage. Polishing a turd and all that. But it's even worse when Lightyear rips it off from Clone Wars. So, it had to go.

Next I weathered it with black paint thinned out by a very small amount of water. Lastly, I dry brushed some silver on to give it more wear in certain places.

Here's how it looks now:

What do you think? Here's a side-by-side of what it used to look like to what it is now:

I love it. I might have gone a little heavy-handed with the silver dry-brushing though.  Some spots feel like I did a bit much. I don't know. I still love it. It looks like that old rust bucket has seen lots of action, and really is a reliable old girl. 

Makes me think of this exchange from Firefly:

Mal: She won’t be winning any beauty contests anytime soon, but she is solid. Ship like this, be with you ’til the day you die.
Zoe: ‘Cause it’s a death trap.
Mal: That’s not— You are very much lacking in imagination.

Or better yet, the line from the salesman in the same episode:

Salesman: Yep. Real beauty, ain’t she. Yes sir. Right smart purchase, this vessel. I’ll tell you what, you buy this ship, treat her proper, she’ll be with you for the rest of your life. {but Mal’s attention is on another vessel} Son? Hey, son! You hear a word I been sayin’?

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