Sunday, April 16, 2023

Monkeying Around

If you wanted something cute to say, "Awwww," at, well, you've come to the right place. This week, there was a monkey at my work. I guess the zoo was doing a segment on the show...or it might have been a petting zoo, I don't know, I don't watch the news, I just produce it.

The lady brought it into the newsroom, and all the girls gathered around and fawned over the monkey. One girl did run for the hills when the monkey screeched. "Uh uh, I ain't getting my face bit off," she said, "I like my face too much to go without it." I think she was remembering this story from last month where a woman in Oklahoma almost had her ear ripped off by her pet monkey.

Anyway, nobody was mauled by the monkey, but it certainly did disrupt the work that was going on. I ran over and snapped a quick picture to share with y'all, but mostly stayed at my desk editing for the news like the good little corporate drone that I am. So, I have this to share with you, go ahead and let it out..."Awwwwwww!"

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

Technically, TWO monkeys. One of them edits the news.