About four and a half months ago, I was completely out of control. I was eating everything that was bad for me, and rapidly riding the downhill slope toward something like diabetes induced blindness, or even foot amputation.
Then I got together with Marshal Latham, and we challenged each other to eat a carnivore diet. Because of that, I built up a backbone, and now I feel like I'm Teflon. Nothing sticks. I'm Kevlar, titanium, frigging bulletproof.
I feel like I can stand up to any challenge that comes my way. For example, yesterday this showed up at work.
That was delivered from a bakery, and it was free for the taking. Worse, it didn't arrive until after the day shift had left for home, so very few people were left in the building to eat it, only us lowly night shift slobs.
I don't know if you can see exactly what that stuff is, but it's pastries...
Filled with cream and fruit.
Donut holes...
Red velvet, white cake, and...I'm not sure what the brown ones in the middle are.
Also, there were three of the WORLD'S LARGEST CINNAMON BUNS. Look at those freaking things!
I hed my hand out to give you a little bit of reference. One of those things is probably the equivalent of about thirty normal sized cinnamon buns.
In March, I would have been sunk if this came into the station. Especially under these circumstances, because no one else would have been eating them, so they would have remained for me each time I went past another time.
I would have eaten one of each of those pastry creations, dozens of those donut holes, and possibly half of one of those giant cinnamon rolls. The blood sugar rise would have torn me up inside, but no need to worry anymore. I'm Teflon, it all just slides right off me. Kevlar. I'm bulletproof. I just walked on past and didn't eat a bite.
I'm bulletproof, and I'm going to keep on saying that to make sure it keeps on being true.
I'm not a fan of this song, or this kind of music at all, but I'm going to post it here anyway because it goes with the post too well not to.
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