Saturday, February 29, 2020

Montresor and Fortunato Together Again

Rish and I were given the opportunity to do a reading of "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe. Every year, Marshal Latham does a month of Poe stories. He likes to call it Poe Month. A nice catchy title for the event that I could never have come up with, myself. Our reading is now available to listen to, so if you've got a few minutes, head over there and check it out, or just listen below.

February Sweeps, Day 28

Most years, this would have been the last day of February. I would have made my goal of 30,000 just in time. This year, though, I still have another day to pad my total with tomorrow. That's kind of fun.

Yesterday, I made a new goal to pass up my total for January. Since I started this writing thing, my total has improved with each month.

In October (since I only had four days in the month to write) my total was a measly 2,764.

November, I had the goal of writing every day, no specific word count, just every day. I didn't succeed with that, but I upped my production all the way to 11,545.

In December, I added to my goal, trying to write 500 words every day. Again, I didn't succeed with that, but I again upped my production a bit, writing 12,574.

Things got really serious in January, when I made the goal of 1,000 words a day. I came really close to succeeding with that goal, only missing two of the 31 days, and my production jumped all the way to 32,194.

So, that's the total I decided that I needed to supercede this month. My goal had been merely 30,000. But, since I had a few extra days, I might as well give myself something more to strive for.

Today, I wrote 1,248 words. What kind of a total does that give me now? Have I made it to my new goal?

32370 / 32194 (100.55%)

My total is now 32,370. That puts me 176 words over my January performance, at 100.55% of my goal. Cool. And I still have one more day to go.

I guess I'll see what I can run that total up to, but I probably shouldn't be too gung ho about it, because my goal for next month will be to top this month's total, which means I'll have to work extra hard to outstrip it.

I think I'll keep trying to do that from here on out for the rest of the year, making sure that my monthly total grows every single month.

Big Brother Isn't Watching?

I got on Facebook today, and they had this add/reminder thing on there for me:

Now, there's no way that I can believe that Facebook doesn't know that I'm not in California anymore. Hell, I haven't lived there since 2004. Facebook invades every last bit of your privacy. There's no way they don't know where I live, my full address, my PIN for my debit card, my mother's maiden name, and how many zits I have on each cheek of my ass. So, why would they tell me that the California primary is coming up?

My guess, is that it's a ploy to get me to click on the link and volunteer more information that they can sell off to some other spy group that wants to get me to turn vegan or rig an election by swaying my vote or get me to sign up for Columbia House CD Club. Nice try Facebook, but I don't really need 15 CDs for a penny anymore.

Should I Be Worried?

I came into the bathroom at work, and found this sitting on the toilet paper dispenser:

Isn't this the anti-fungal creme that you put on if you have jock itch or athlete's foot? Do I dare sit down on the toilet? Or am I likely to catch something while I'm there?

At the very least, this person needed to have taken this tube with them when they left.

Friday, February 28, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 27

I surpassed my monthly goal yesterday, but I still have the daily 1,000 words a day goal. I've still got to meet that. Today I was in good spirits. I managed to take care of a few things that I've fallen behind on, including my family blog and my weight loss videos. Still have a bunch more to go to get back on track with both of those, but I'll get there. It's harder to keep up with it all and write 1,000 words every day. At least I'm not struggling to get my words in right now like I was earlier in the week.

I wrote 1,077 words on Sunny & Gray 2 today. I feel more confident in the story after a few days of self-doubt.

No picometer any more, but I found a new meter that shows my progress level. Though I'm already past the 100% mark, so it's kind of silly to keep posting it.

31122 / 30000 (103.74%)

I guess it'll be time to click back over to zero again in a day or two. Nice to be finished like this. I guess I should make beating last month's total my new goal for the rest of February. Last month, I finished out the month at 32,194. I should surpass that tomorrow probably if I write my 1,000 words (which I will definitely do), so that'll be another victory. Let me make a new progress bar for that.

31122 / 32194 (96.67%)

Thursday, February 27, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 26

I was pretty down yesterday, about writing and everything else as well. I think a lot of my problem might have come from the fact that I fell off the wagon on my carnivore diet and gave in to temptation, eating a whole lot of sweets and other garbage. That stuff really messes with your mental health. I've heard dozens upon dozens of people tell their stories of getting off carbs and restoring their mental health. Here's a talk by psychiatrist Dr. Georgia Ede talking about the link between diet and mental health if you're interested in knowing more.

So, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that my lowest point this month came right after indulging in all sorts of sugary poison that passes for food these days. I think I am mostly over it now though. Getting back on track, with both my diet and my attitude.

Rish commented on my post yesterday, and reminded me of something that I had forgotten. He said:

Everybody says that, but I had forgotten about that. I guess I wanted to be beyond that point. I didn't want to look at all those words I wrote and imagine the possibility that they would avail me nothing. I want my novel to be the most amazing thing ever, even though I'm working on my second novel ever. I read on Dean Wesley Smith's site the other day that his first novel sale was the third novel he wrote. So, if I were him, I still would be yet to start my first novel sale. So, there's that.

My other problem was that I was kind of at a loss for where to go next. I needed more information about the subject I was about to embark on before I could ... embark on it, as it were. Turns out that I have a friend on Facebook that I could hit up for all sorts of info. I needed to know about guns, and Scott Pigg, who produced several episodes of the Dunesteef for us, and served in the military, is a gun enthusiast in the same way that I am a toy enthusiast. So, he could tell me what I needed to know without even having to think on it much. So, I messaged him and he told me about a bunch of stuff. I even quoted him several times while writing today. That worked out great.

So, I wrote 1,225 words on Sunny & Gray 2, and I think I'll be able to move toward that big climax soon.

My picometer says:

Oh, weird. The picometer has stopped working in any browser that I look in. Just a couple days from the finish line, and it's dead. I wonder if there's a better version out there that still works. I'll need to go back and fix all the posts from the whole month too. Annoying.

Here's a new version of the progress meter that I found online.
29958 / 30000 (99.86%)

Anyway, my total words are 29,958 out of 30,000. That's got to be 99% of the way. I'm only 42 words short of my goal. I almost feel like I should go back and just write the last forty words and make the goal now. It's pretty late, but not even as late as it has been most days this week. Hmmm ... what the hell. Hold on a minute.

There, I wrote another paragraph with 87 words in it, and I am now at 1,312 for the day and 30,045 for the month. I have completed 100% of the words I had to get in this month, and I still have three days to spare. Imagine what I could do with a month that has 31 days! The sky's the limit!

30045 / 30000 (100.15%)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Can Processed Meat Stall Your Progress On Carnivore? Journey To One-derland: Week 39 Progress Update

Still running a bit behind with these. This is last week's report on how my progress on carnivore is going. It was almost an exact replay of the week before.

February Sweeps, Day 25

Today may have been the worst day for me so far. I'm having some serious self doubt about my writing and why I'm doing any of this in the first place. I feel like it's all for naught. Like I'm wasting my time. I'm having some serious doubts about whether I'm a good writer at all. I don't think that I am. I've written some stories that aren't too bad in the past, I guess, but they feel like flukes. Like lucky breaks as opposed to something I did on purpose.

I wrote a whole novel that is 81,178 words long. That's 324 pages long. And now I look at it and wonder after all that work if it's any good at all, if there's any point to it at all.

Part of my problem might be that I have been trying to listen to some YouTube videos about the craft of writing, and each time I do, they make me feel like my own craft is severely lacking. Things that I should have had planned out before I started writing never got any consideration at all, and now it's too late. The book is written, and it's no good. Now I'm 85% of the way through the second book, and I feel the same about it. I'm kind of freaking out, and it's making it really hard to write anything at all.

Today I wrote 1,057 words, but in three different projects. I couldn't get into any one of them enough to get any kind of a flow going. Maybe that's what I need to concentrate on for a while. Really work on some planning for my various projects, so I don't write myself into a corner like this. Crap.

My picometer says:

New progress meter
28733 / 30000 (95.78%)

I'm at 95% of my goal. Should I bother to complete it though? Gah ... I could use some kind of infusion of confidence or something. Anybody got some they could loan me?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 24

I made it to 1,122 words today. And now Rish and I are recording a new episode of That Gets My Goat.

My picometer says:

New progress meter.
27676 / 30000 (92.25%)

I'm at 92% of my goal. Five days to go, I've got it in the bag.

Monday, February 24, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 23

Did more of my usual puttering around, looking for anything that I could do rather than actually write...or at least write on my fiction. I even wrote a blog post rather than write my story words. Eventually though, I buckled down and got to work.

I managed to get 1,307 words before I was done. It's really late again, though. So, I better get to bed as soon as possible.

My picometer says:

New progress meter.
26554 / 30000 (88.51%)

I'm at 88% of my goal with six full days to go. This is going to be easy.

Sunday, February 23, 2020


I don't know if you've heard Rish use this quote recently or not, "Can't you see? We are brothers!"

For some reason, it has become the phrase that comes up most often recently. So, when I took that picture of the Luke from 2014 compared to this new Jedi Luke from 2019 that I just broke down and bought today, it was the first thing that came to mind.

I know that sometimes, inside jokes can be annoying to those that aren't on the inside, so at a risk of ruining all fun that the quote might contain by showing you how the sausage is made, I thought I might explain it. It comes from an old Miller Lite commercial that I told Rish about years ago. He never actually saw it, because those kinds of commercials play during sporting events, and the only sporting event he's familiar with is the pocket pool tournament (wow, I don't think I've used the phrase pocket pool since junior high). Now, the saying is his repeating the line back from my telling of the commercial. It's not quite word for word, but it's good enough.

Here's that actual commercial if you want to check it out. This is one of those versions where somebody shoots the commercial off their TV with their phone and uploads it. Terrible quality, but you get the whole commercial at least.

This is a better quality, but just the very end of the commercial.

February Sweeps, Day 22

It was a Saturday, so I was running around doing all sorts of things, this and that. Then the evening came, and me and my wife finally went out for Valentine's Day. She had to work last Friday and Saturday night, so we couldn't even have celebrated the day after. The good thing was that I was able to give her this big basket full of Valentine's stuff, and it all cost me a song.

That teddy bear was sixty cents. Everything was on clearance. I'm thinking we may have to celebrate Valentine's on the weekend after from here on out.

What did it all mean? Well, what it meant was that it was 11:30 PM before I even sat down to start writing. I wasn't feeling it, so instead, I just surfed through the promotional photos on Toyark for all the new toys that were announced at this weekend's Toy Fair New York.

I finally convinced myself to buckle down and write. Then, when I was only about 250 words in, Rish Outfield called me, and I spent about an hour talking to him on the phone instead of writing. He finally told me he was going to take mercy on me, and hang up so I could write sometime around 1:30 AM. It was going to be a really late night. At least I didn't work in the morning.

At last I really buckled down, and pushed my way through my words. I texted Rish my total every few minutes, and he encouraged me to continue.

I hit 1,005, and texted Rish to let him know that I had managed.

I felt very victorious. I busted the words out faster than I expected that I would. The funny thing was that when I hit 1,005, I wasn't in a good spot to stop. If I just stood up and walked away, there was stuff that I wanted to say, that was in my head at that moment, that surely wouldn't be there the next night when I finally came back to it. So I had to write a little bit further.

My final tally was 1,143 words.

My picometer says:

New progress meter.
25247 / 30000 (84.16%)

Now I'm at 84% of my goal. Getting so close.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 21

I've been reading blog posts and listening to YouTube videos about writing, what makes good writing, and what the myths about writing are out there. I spend a lot of my time doing a job that doesn't actually require my full mental energy. I can edit news without concentrating on it fully for most of the time, so I always have something playing in my ears. I've learned a lot of things by way of this over the past years. It's one of the main reason I'm not such a obese fella anymore.

I learned everything I know about the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, and the carnivore diet from the hundreds of hours of lectures I've listened to that people posted on YouTube. I almost feel like an expert on the subject now. I also spent a great deal of time watching toy collecting videos on YouTube, and even started my own toy collecting channel because of that. I feel like I gained a great deal of knowledge in that area as well. If I was able to do that for those subjects, why couldn't I get a bunch of knowledge about writing the same way? Seems plausible.

When I mentioned what I was doing, Rish was pretty interested. He wanted to talk with me about the things that I learn. He even suggested that maybe we do shows about it, where I present my findings, and then discuss it. We could even make goals to practice what we learned in a story that we write, and then come back with a follow-up show that shares the story, talks about how the practice went, and decides how important the lesson actually turned out to be. I think I'd like that a lot. What about you? Interested in a podcast like that?

As far as actual writing went, I drug my feet again, and didn't finish until 1:30 AM again, but in the end I wrote 1,145 words. Still flawless for the month.

My picometer says:

New progress meter.
24104 / 30000 (80.35%)

Now I'm at 80% of my goal. That's a nice round number. Feels pretty good to make it this far.

Friday, February 21, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 20

I'm afraid that I'm starting to get sick of writing a thousand words every day. When I made a push to write every day back in 2017, I made it just over three months before calling it quits. Then when I tried it again last year at Rish's behest, I made it two and a half months before calling it quits again.

I'm at three and a half months again. And I'm starting to chafe with the whole thing. Am I going to fall apart again? I can't let that happen. I have to struggle onward. Maybe I gotta change some habits so that writing will feel more appealing. Finishing my writing super late, and not getting enough sleep each night certainly can't help. Also, I think I need to make use of my drive time to get my stories planned better than I have been.

I can't let this fall apart. I really love the satisfaction that I get from writing so much, and the feeling of competence as well. For once in my life, I really feel like I can honestly call myself a writer. After all, I do it every day.

I struggled to get my writing in, but at 1:00 AM, I hit 1,000, and then I felt like I needed to write a little more before I called it quits, because it would be hard to pick up tomorrow if I stopped where I was. So, when I finally finished I was at 1,375 words. Turned out to be a pretty good total. One of my higher ones.

My picometer says:

New progress meter.
22959 / 30000 (76.53%)

Now I'm at 76% of my goal. Three quarters of the way there. That feels like a milestone I should celebrate. I guess I'll give myself a high five. I may be feeling fatigue with this whole thing, but I ain't quitting. I'm going to make it to my 30,000 words for this month, and then I'll start in on another 30,000 for next month. Go team!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

What Can Stall Your Progress On Carnivore? Journey To One-derland: Week 38 Progress Update

I thought I'd already put this one out, but I hadn't even edited it. So, it's a wee bit late, but only a week. How did things go for me last week? Well, it started good, and then the brakes were quite soundly stomped, screeching my progress to a halt. How? Why? Watch and find out.

February Sweeps, Day 19

Little to say about the process today. I wrote a little here and there throughout the day, and wasted a lot of my writing time throughout the day reading old posts from Rish's blog. He's been having an issue where text spontaneously changes color or highlights itself on his blog, and we've been trying to go back through and get rid of all the instances of that happening. But instead, scrolling back on his old posts got me interested in reading them. Next thing you know, I was reading the very first post he wrote in 2004, and working my way forward from there. That's what I did instead of writing.

Then, when it was time to go home, I finally decided to buckle down, and work hard. When the time to go home came, instead I stayed in my chair, and kept writing until my word count tool said that I was at 1,014 words. That was enough to get me over the finish line, so I packed everything up, and went out to my car.

Today I wrote more on Sunny & Gray 2. plodding my way along toward that finale, you know, that typical Big Anklevich ending where the baby dies, the house burns down, the demon wins, and the cat gets lost and can't find its way home and instead meets up with a hungry pack of coyotes. I'll be there soon.

My picometer has reached:

New progress meter.
21584 / 30000 (71.95%)

71% of my goal. I could stop now, and still get a passing grade. I'm a C average student at writing already, and there's still plenty of time to bring that grade up.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 18

It was another day where I could only finish about half of my words during my lunch break. So, I had to finish up when I got home. Luckily for me, I wasn't also recording for hours with Rish, so I could get right to it.

I finished up with 1,161 words today.

Today I wrote on Sunny & Gray 2. I'm getting pretty close to the finale. The book has reached 73,298 words now. That's a pretty respectable length, right? It'll probably be at least 10,000 more, which will make it even more respectable, until I have to go back in and edit it, mercilessly chopping out all the boring parts, which I'm sure there are a great deal.

Anyway, my picometer is at:

New progress meter.
20570 / 30000 (68.57%)

68% of my goal. I wonder what percent of the month we are at...let me ask Siri...62.0689% of the way through the month, so I'm managing to keep in front of the headsman's axe. Yeah, baby!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Valentine's Is Over, Time To Decorate

Now that Valentine's Day is over, and Presidents Day has passed, it's time to change up my shelves in my study. I can pull down my murderous broken robot George Washington...

And replace him with my gang of Easter thugs.

I went to the craft store and got some scrapbook paper to use as a background behind them.

I like to call them the Bunny Brigade.

I'm thinking about doing some more with the background.

Maybe push the paper back father, and stack a bunch of Easter eggs all around on the ground or something.

Or at least make a little sign that hangs down that says, "Happy Easter".

I have to say that I do like the way these guys turned out.

February Sweeps, Day 17

Today, I tried my best to get all my words in during my lunch break at work, because Rish wanted to record a TGMG episode with me once I got home. I don't get home until 11:30 PM, and recording never takes less than an hour. So, if I didn't get it all done before, then I would certainly be up late again. I did my best, but by the end of my allotted time, I'd only managed 820.

So, after we finished recording, and it was now 1:30 AM, I opened up Google Docs, and started pecking away at the keyboard. After doing this all month, it has become pretty easy to bust out such an small number as 180 words though. In less than 15 minutes, I'd made it to my goal. I wrote 1,026 words today.

Today I wrote on the Lazerfist version of Still They Ride. Getting the story all set up, Lazerfist is finding out what exactly the wrong is that he is here to put to rights. It went pretty well altogether.

Anyway, my picometer is at:

New progress meter.
19409 / 30000 (64.70%)

64% of my goal. Eking out another 3% each day until I reach that finish line...then start again for the next month, I suppose. As Faith No More so eloquently said, "Surprise, you're dead! Guess what, It never ends. It never, ever ends!"

Monday, February 17, 2020

Sunday, February 16, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 16

Still trying to make it a clean sweep in February. Talked with Rish a bit this afternoon. He still calls me all the time to remind me to write. Thoughtful guy, eh? I wrote 1,062 words today, but they were uninspired.

I feel like I need more brainstorming on both of my books I'm working on. I've been writing out into the dark for a little while with Sunny & Gray. I know in general terms where I'm going, but the specifics aren't there, so I have to struggle to make it up as I go. That can be daunting and a little taxing as well. It was Sunny & Gray that I wrote my words on today. I didn't want to get too separated from it. I think I need to go back and forth between one story and the other so that neither one fades too far out of my memory.

I'll probably write on Still They Ride (Lazerfist version) tomorrow. I think I need to keep them both fresh, so I'll probably do one day on and one day off with each. What I most need to do is turn on my recorder, and talk the stories through in my car on the way to work tomorrow. I'm much more of a planner and less of a pantser, and I'm afraid it may cause my works to be suffering because I'm doing it this way.

I think it was Dean Wesley Smith who said I have to give myself permission to suck, because if everything has to be wonderful all the time, you'll never write from the fear of that idea. If you never write, then you'll never improve. I want Sunny & Gray to already be good though. And everything else that I write as well. I hate the idea that these books I'm writing might be something that I'll just want to throw away when I'm done, be too embarrassed about to show to anyone. Of course, on the other side of the coin is that I might be too fond of them, show them to everybody, and they think they suck and never want to read my writing again. It's enough to make a guy completely lock up and just give up and play video games as a hobby instead. Life would be much easier then, wouldn't it?

Anyway, my picometer is at:

New progress meter.
18383 / 30000 (61.28%)

61% of my goal. Does it matter if the words aren't good? Crap, I gotta develop some confidence back or I won't want to keep at it for much longer. Anybody want to read a book of mine, and give me some feedback? Sunny & Gray Part 1 for free?

Happy President's Day

I actually got this figure to use for a 4th of July decoration, but he's cool enough that he can pull some double duty.

Also, I chickened out for some reason. It was supposed to say, "Happy President's Day Motherf#$%er!" and be all tough like Samuel L. Jackson. But I went with the more PG rated filthy animal instead. Not sure why. I got a whole series of photos to come for each holiday.

February Sweeps, Day 15

I didn't get enough sleep last night, because I was up late trying to get my writing finished. Which led to me falling asleep on the couch this afternoon. So, now I'm up to the wee hours of the night again, writing my words for the day once more. I wrote 1,015 words today.

It was more on the Lazerfist version of Still They Ride, which cannot possibly go to Marshal. It's probably going to end up being long enough for consideration in the novel category of the Hugo awards, for which it will certainly be nominated. I can tell 3,500 words in that it's going to completely change the landscape of science fiction as we know it...sorry, I can't pull that off. Rish has been at a writing conference, and he tells me that it is important to show confidence and really talk your books up, so I tried. I do think it will be a good book when I'm done, so you can take that as promotion, I guess.

My picometer is at:

New progress meter.
17321 / 30000 (57.74%)

57% is good. We're finally on the downward side of the month now, and I'm on pace to easily make my goal. So, that is a good thing.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 14

Ain't going to beat around the bush today. It's too tired, and I'm late. So, I need to get to bed. Especially since I'm going to need to get up early tomorrow. I wrote 1,416 words today. All of them on the Lazerfist version of Still They Ride, which is definitely going to be too long to send to Marshal. I guess he can use the biker scout version instead for his contest.

That puts my picometer at:

New progress meter.
16306 / 30000 (54.35%)

54% is good. Four percent beyond halfway, and it's not quite halfway to the end of the month.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentines Day From My Toy Shelf

I thought, on this most hated of holidays for one Rish Outfield, that I would take some pictures of the folks on my toy shelves that remind us of the good parts of St. Valentine's Day.

Reed and Sue are a wonderful couple.

Voted cutest couple.

Voted cutest Pez couple.

An inhumanly beautiful couple.

Love can last forever.

Let's run away together.

"I happen to like nice men."

"I'm a nice man."

"No you're not. You're—"

This is a good picture...

But I like this next one best. Heh heh.