Okay, day nine. Looks like I managed 922 words today before having to run out to meet with Rish for our weekly Dunesteefing. That puts me at 9,259 altogether. Here they are, enjoy:
Okay, day nine. Looks like I managed 922 words today before having to run out to meet with Rish for our weekly Dunesteefing. That puts me at 9,259 altogether. Here they are, enjoy:
Okay, the USA lost versus Germany, but we still made it through to the next round. So, I guess that's both bad and good. Oh well, now that that's passed, I could take a minute or two and get some writing in. So, here's day eight. I wrote 639 words, to bring my total on the story to 8,337. And here they are:
Sorry for the delay, everybody. I was out of town for a little while last week. I was going to forewarn you about the pending lack of updates on the story, but I've heard it's not a good idea to put an ad onto the internet about how your home will be empty and available to burglarize before you leave on vacation. So, I kept it to myself, and am telling you now that the danger that someone might look up Anklevich in the phone book to find my address and swoop in to remove all my valuables has passed.
Now, my in-laws are in town, so I gotta entertain them, and pretend to be a dutiful son-in-law. Also, there's that damn World Cup. It keep sucking me in. And the games are happening right at the best time for me to write. So, lots of excuses, but I'm not giving up. I'm still doing my best to write.
We're back for day seven of this adventure. Today, I wrote 1,363 words. Putting me at 7,694 in total.
Oh, I had one thing that I wanted to ask. Regardless of whether you have anything to say or not, if you are reading the story, will you please comment. You don't have to say anything about the story, or anything. Just say hi. I'm just curious what the reach on it might be. Some people comment about it here or there on Facebook and the like. But I'd like to see if we can nail it down. Anyway, here's today's chunk o' writin':
I'm pretty stoked. I'm sure Rish will say I'm lame, but I don't listen to the haters. I found this awesome Catwoman Pez dispenser at the grocery store. I was sure I'd never see this one in a store. I thought if I ever did get it, it would have to come from eBay or something.
Weird that I can get excited about something like a Pez dispenser, but I do.
Didn't really feel like writing today, but I forced myself to do it. It was one of those days, so I didn't get any time to write until late in the evening. By that time, I just wanted to relax for a while and then go to bed. Instead, I slaved over a hot keyboard until I came up with these beautiful words for you. I hope you appreciate all I do for you.
Anyway, enough of that nonsense. Here's the words. 1,147 of them. Pretty good for not wanting to write at all, I suppose.
Okay, everybody, here's some more story. Today it was 978 words. It's the rest of the scene that I started a few days ago. Overall, the story has reached 4,110 words. I think it'll be nigh on novella length when I finally finish it. Which will be fun for everyone, because it will make this event last all the longer. Anyway, here's the new stuff: