Thursday, October 1, 2020

Day 17 (75 Hard)

I was halfway through my walk today when I got an idea.

I know you're supposed to warm up before lifting weights, and warm up can consist of all sorts of different activities like jump rope of jumping jacks, something to get your blood flowing.

I walk in the morning, what if I just used my walk as the warm up, and went straight into my workout today?

I always mean to get right to my next exercise session after finishing my walk, but I never do. Today, I decided I most certainly would.

So, as I walked up the driveway, I went straight to the garage, stretched, and started lifting.

I thought it worked really well. I felt great when I was all done, and I had more time to take care of other things this morning. I wrote several blog posts that I was backed up on, and now I'm totally up to date.

Oh, I never posted my walking log, here it is:

And I also didn't mention that before I left for my walk, I finished up my fast.

My shortest fast yet, due to my forgetting to eat on Tuesday, and therefore having to eat much later than usual.

My weight from this morning is encouraging though. It fluctuates a lot with fasting, but usually continues to trend downward on a wavy trajectory. It rebounds some after I eat, then goes back down in the next fast. On the weekends, it always rebounds more, because I eat more meals in a row, then the fast on Monday puts it back where it was.

That stuff is weird. I've often wondered if I just went One-Meal-A-Day and carnivore the whole time if I'd get as good of results or not. I'm not going to mess with it, though. I did a lot of messing with it last time around, and I think it slowed me down some. This time, I'm going all the way to One-derland before I do any fiddling with my diet. By then, it'll be switching over to a maintenance, eat like this forever diet, and that'll be cool.

Anyway, I brought my lunch with me to work today (like I meant to do on Tuesday), and then I forgot it in my car for an hour or so. When I remembered, I went and warmed it up and ate as much of it as I could. I wasn't really that hungry (maybe I do need one meal a day), so I only ate some of it. There was definitely more than a day's worth of meat in the container, though. 

I put what remained in the fridge, and when I went home tonight, I forgot it there. I'll have to make sure I remember tonight to bring it home, because I'll want the meat this weekend.

I took my progress picture early today, and was finished with my water by four in the afternoon, but I still read my book in bed as I was heading toward sleep. I guess there's always gotta be one thing that gets left to the last.

So, I made it through day 17, and I'm feeling groovy.

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