Friday, September 24, 2021


A while ago, Hasbro came out with a Baroness figure that came with a motorcycle.

It was a Target exclusive, and as is the case with all of the Target exclusive G.I. Joes, it was impossible to find. I never saw it once to even agonize over whether I wanted to spend the extra $20 to get a bike that I didn't want.

Not too long ago, though, that Snake Eyes movie came out. They put out a wave of figures to go with it, and the Baroness is one of them. The figure sucks, though. I look at it, and it doesn't make me think of the Baroness at all.

The Baroness always had that feeling of being a sexy dominatrix or something, but this figure makes me think of the librarian playing dress up at home with her cats.

The girl in the movie doesn't look this bad.

Although I think the short hair was a mistake. It just doesn't look like the character.

Sienna Miller fit the bill much better in The Rise of Cobra simply because of the hair.

Well, since that new figure sucks so bad, I figured I was going to continue to go without a Baroness on the shelf next to my Cobra Commander and Destro, but then I had an idea.

Years ago, before the G.I. Joe six inch figures existed, I was dreaming up ideas of how I could make my own kitbashed versions. I bought a Spiderwoman figure back in the day just to do that.

I guess I needed one of those Baroness movie figures after all. I could swap the heads out and all of a sudden she'd be perfect. So, I grabbed myself one, and here we are.

The skin tone doesn't quite match, but you can't see it up on the shelf. So, I'm happy.

I like it.

I'm sure they'll come out with a new version of her in the future. Maybe I'll replace her then, but for now, at least, I'm happy to see another figure in that line up.

Oh, since I was at it, I figured I'd fix another figure. I never much like the head for the new Scarlett either.

So, I removed her head, and switched it with a Black Widow head that I have.

I think I prefer it, but the Scarlett figure still needs a lot of work. Just too busy with the colors on that design. I'm afraid to waste time trying to repaint it only to find that Hasbro is about to release a brand new version that looks just like I wanted it to look. I'll probably just wait and see. This head is enough for now.

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