Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Feliz Sete De Setembro!

Well, I've been displaying my flag collection on the important dates for whichever place they represent, so I've got to continue the tradition. I put on my yellow pants and green shirt, hung my Brazil flag on the pole, and sang O Hino Nacional while the flag flapped in the breeze.

Just a quick aside, vexillological experts suggest that you not use words on your flag. It's considered bad flag design.

If you're wondering why, just look at the picture below, where the words are displayed backwards to you, because I took the picture from the wrong side of the flag.

Brazil's motto is "Ordem e Progresso" which means, as you might have guessed, order and progress. Their motto most definitely is not this freakish mirrored version of those words...Medro e Ossegorp?

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