Monday, December 30, 2024

The Mercy Of Gods

I love James SA Corey (that's the pen name of the writing duo, Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham). The Expanse is probably my favorite book series of the last ten years. I loved the finale of the story, but mourned when the world came to an end. So, the minute I heard that there was a new series by Corey, I jumped at the chance to get started on it.

I couldn't believe, therefore, that I didn't like it. I listened to the audiobook, read by Jefferson Mays, the same guy who did the Expanse books. I was hours in, and had yet to find anything that I liked. There were no characters I liked, no situations I liked, no storylines I liked...I was completely confused at how such a thing could happen.

I got despondent, and let my hold on the book lapse without finishing it. I went book free for quite a while, but then a month or two later, I finally got back to reading, and after doing that, I decided to give the book a second chance.  I mean, I'd quit the book right as the aliens invaded. The book was about to completely change, I assumed, so I ought to try again. Besides, it was James SA Corey!

Sadly,  despite the humans becoming slaves to an unfeeling alien race, the book didn't completely change. None of the characters became interesting. Nothing ever gave me that feeling that I couldn't wait to get back to listening to the book, that I hated having to stop and do things like go to work or feed myself or sleep. Books often do that to me, and those are the ones I remember fondly. Sadly, despite my love for The Expanse, I don't feel that way about this book. I slogged my way to the end of it anyway, because I'm masochistic or something. I should have given it up once and for all and let it go much earlier. I suspect I won't bother reading the second book in the series, but you never know...I mean, it's James SA Corey!

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