Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Halloween Toy?

I saw this on clearance at Walmart.

$7.50 is a pretty good price, but I almost didn't get it. I'm not really a She-Ra fan. I don't collect the villains or anything. I didn't need it. But I couldn't help but think about how I think Shadow Weaver is a fun character. She's a super sexy ghost sorceress chick. I mean, check out the art on the box.

When I thought of that...a sexy sorceress without a face, I thought, wait a minute...I could put this up at Halloween. I should get that after all, so I did.

There you go, my new Halloween's not specifically a Halloween toy, but now it is...for me anyway.

It comes with a really cool stand so that you can make her floating over the ground. I like the way that looks. She also came with some extra hands and a flame ball to throw.

I may use them someday, but probably not. I'm not one of those guys who cares about the infinite number of extras they pack into a box these days. I guess that maybe if I started taking pictures of toys for Instagram or something, then I might care, but I don't. It takes too much time that I need to put into other things like writing, so I'll just stick with my level of toy collecting. I do keep all those extras in a I could use them someday if I want to.

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