Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gotta Post This

A little while ago, I helped Rish Outfield publish his first print book called Female Protagonist. Keith Teklits, a long time listener and fan of our stuff, bought a copy right away, and then posted a picture of himself showing it off on Facebook.

I have to admit that I was pretty jealous of that picture. I saw that thing and wished I could brag about having one of those of my own. One where a fan bought a copy of my book and felt the need to take a picture of himself holding it up to send to me. It reminded me of the fun days back in the Dunesteef era when we made merch, and several fans bought some and took pictures of themselves wearing them for us to see.

I loved that. It made me feel a little bit like all of this stuff we were doing was worthwhile, because it resonated with people enough that they wanted to wear our symbol on their chest. That's something pretty special.

Well, it turns out, Keith likes me too. That's right, when Three Vampire Weekend came out, he was the first in line to buy a copy, and he just posted the photo showing it off the other day on Facebook!

So great! It makes me feel like a million bucks. It didn't even cost that much to make me feel that way too. You can get it for much less than a million. Thanks, Keith, for the picture, and I hope you enjoy the book. You'll have to tell me how you like "The Elephant in the Room," because I think you'll be the very first person to read it, and I'm curious what people other than me think of it.

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