Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Resolution Time

The new year is here and I've got something like a hundred things that I'm vowing to improve upon this year. First and foremost is to continue the improvement I made last year in my overall tubbiness. Secondly is to not continue the suckiness that I annually exhibit in writing little to nothing each year. Hopefully joining Lizanne Herd's 25/52 challenge group will help some with that. It's noon almost, and I feel really guilty that I haven't written any fiction yet today. There's several other things that I'd like to improve as well, and I've goals for them too.

All this makes me wonder, will there ever be a day when I look at myself on New Year's Day and just say, "You're good man! No big goals necessary. You've actually achieved all those dreams you set out to realize." Like Fonzie stepping in front of the mirror with a comb and realizing that his hair's already perfect, and just throwing up his hands and saying, "Eh!"

Wait...was Fonzie Canadian? I thought he was from Milwaukee.

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

Fonzie is everything to all people. Whatever you need him to be most . . . that's what he is right now. Don't question the magic.