Wednesday, October 22, 2014

You've Got To Be Kidding!

Wow, this may be the most egregious example I've ever seen. I saw this post on Facebook, and thought, okay, I'll check this out and see what Easter eggs they found that I didn't know about. THERE WAS ONE PICTURE PER PAGE!!!!! AND 90, THAT'S RIGHT, 90!!!!! LET ME WRITE IT OUT, NINETY!!!!! SEPARATE EASTER EGGS THEY WANTED YOU TO CLICK THROUGH!!!!!

The damned blog loaded up a shitload of adds for every single time you clicked, and they wanted you to do it NINETY times. I could almost understand it if they put five or ten per page, I mean that's a lot of pictures to load up at once, but no, JUST ONE!!!! THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR HAS TO STOP!!! DO YOU HEAR ME INTERNET!!! STOP THIS SHIT!!!

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled day, excuse me.

 PS - On top of that, of the few Easter eggs I did see, they were all pretty obvious. Only a non-fan would find these interesting.

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