Monday, November 13, 2017

What Are You Doing?

I was talking to Rish on the phone the other day. He was coming back from winterizing his family's cabin. He told me this story about how they'd found a dead skunk near the cabin, and went to bury it, but the ground was too frozen to get the shovel in. So, they had to just leave it out for the wolves and coyote to come pick over.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, we're on our way to the beach. It's 81° (27° c for y'all outside the USA). My wife wanted to watch the sunset from the beach."

"Oh..." was his only response.

I miss home a lot, but there are some advantages to living here in Houston, I guess.

That's a weird picture of me. My stupid phone automatically puts a smoothing filter on any pictures I take from the front camera so I look like I have perfect skin, but also my stubble turns into some kind of paste I spilled around my lip and chin. I can handle growing old, camera, just take a picture of reality, please.

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