Monday, February 10, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 9

Today I wrote 1,189 words.

I started so late that, if you were on of those people who begins every statement with the word 'technically' then you might say that it wasn't even day nine anymore. However, I count my days from wake up to wake up. So, Sunday began when I woke up this morning, and won't 'technically' end until the moment before I wake up tomorrow.

It was fairly easy to write today. I had a fun moment to write about in Sunny & Gray, so things flowed relatively easy. I like it when that happens.

My picometer says:

New progress meter.
10407 / 30000 (34.69%)

Today, my cumulative count for the month crossed into five figures. A milestone. And my percentage is 34 percent. I suppose that's not really a milestone, but it might be a kidney stone or a gall stone.

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

Funny, I measure my day from the first time I think about sex to the last time I realize I'm not getting any.

Actually, no. We are brothers on this. Don't you see?