Thursday, February 27, 2020

February Sweeps, Day 26

I was pretty down yesterday, about writing and everything else as well. I think a lot of my problem might have come from the fact that I fell off the wagon on my carnivore diet and gave in to temptation, eating a whole lot of sweets and other garbage. That stuff really messes with your mental health. I've heard dozens upon dozens of people tell their stories of getting off carbs and restoring their mental health. Here's a talk by psychiatrist Dr. Georgia Ede talking about the link between diet and mental health if you're interested in knowing more.

So, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that my lowest point this month came right after indulging in all sorts of sugary poison that passes for food these days. I think I am mostly over it now though. Getting back on track, with both my diet and my attitude.

Rish commented on my post yesterday, and reminded me of something that I had forgotten. He said:

Everybody says that, but I had forgotten about that. I guess I wanted to be beyond that point. I didn't want to look at all those words I wrote and imagine the possibility that they would avail me nothing. I want my novel to be the most amazing thing ever, even though I'm working on my second novel ever. I read on Dean Wesley Smith's site the other day that his first novel sale was the third novel he wrote. So, if I were him, I still would be yet to start my first novel sale. So, there's that.

My other problem was that I was kind of at a loss for where to go next. I needed more information about the subject I was about to embark on before I could ... embark on it, as it were. Turns out that I have a friend on Facebook that I could hit up for all sorts of info. I needed to know about guns, and Scott Pigg, who produced several episodes of the Dunesteef for us, and served in the military, is a gun enthusiast in the same way that I am a toy enthusiast. So, he could tell me what I needed to know without even having to think on it much. So, I messaged him and he told me about a bunch of stuff. I even quoted him several times while writing today. That worked out great.

So, I wrote 1,225 words on Sunny & Gray 2, and I think I'll be able to move toward that big climax soon.

My picometer says:

Oh, weird. The picometer has stopped working in any browser that I look in. Just a couple days from the finish line, and it's dead. I wonder if there's a better version out there that still works. I'll need to go back and fix all the posts from the whole month too. Annoying.

Here's a new version of the progress meter that I found online.
29958 / 30000 (99.86%)

Anyway, my total words are 29,958 out of 30,000. That's got to be 99% of the way. I'm only 42 words short of my goal. I almost feel like I should go back and just write the last forty words and make the goal now. It's pretty late, but not even as late as it has been most days this week. Hmmm ... what the hell. Hold on a minute.

There, I wrote another paragraph with 87 words in it, and I am now at 1,312 for the day and 30,045 for the month. I have completed 100% of the words I had to get in this month, and I still have three days to spare. Imagine what I could do with a month that has 31 days! The sky's the limit!

30045 / 30000 (100.15%)

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

Saddest of all . . . you have to start at zero in just a couple of days.

"The real crime would be not to finish what we started." --Otto Octavius