Sunday, August 16, 2020


 My son has been watching the Incredible Hulk cartoon that's on Disney+ for the last week or so. It's only one season, and it's not particularly great either, but it is kind of fun seeing the "ever-lovin’ Hulk! HULK! HULK!" get his pantheon on the TV. 

After all he was "belted by gamma rays" and became completely "unglamo-rays". Nobody cares much about the others that populate his world, like The Leader or The Abomination or The Gargoyle.  He's the only character in the MCU to fail to get a sequel. On top of that, his earlier effort, made by multiple Oscar-winning director Ang Lee, also failed to get a sequel when almost every superhero movie got one.

Anyhow, I'm going on too long about this for the small payoff that will come from it in the end. Sorry.

So, I was in the room while he was watching an episode the other day. Bruce Banner was sent to get some parts for the scientific contraption he was supposed to be making. He, and his escort, Crusher Creel, go into some kind of storage unit, and Bruce starts looking around at what is available. He likes what he sees. What he said, made me laugh out loud when I heard it. I shot the segment with my phone. Here it is:

If you're hip to my jive, then this clip made you laugh out loud too. If you're not picking up what I'm laying down, then let me fill you in. Those two things he mentioned aren't all pieces of scientific equipment. The first thing means nothing to me, but it sounds legit. To most people, the second thing would sound legit too. A transformer is a piece of electrical equipment. Nerds like me usual think of a different thing when we hear the word transformer.

If you don't know your Transformers, then you would be unaware that Unicron was the giant planet-sized robot that everyone had to fight in the 1986 Transformers movie. 

But if you watched that movie as a kid like me, and had it make the kind of impression on you like it did on me, then you'll never hear the words "a Unicron Transformer" used like it was in this clip without laughing.

Okay, now that I've made this whole thing as completely boring and awful as possible by over-explaining the hell out of it, I will bid you adieu.

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