Christmas was just the other day, and one of my daughters got me the best present. I figured I had to talk about it on here, because that's all I do on here is talk about this kind of stuff.
It's not often that someone in my family can get their hands on an action figure for me as a present that I really want without me being involved in the process myself. Collecting action figures is a thing that requires a lot of specialized knowledge. Who makes what figures? How do you buy Super7 figures or where can you find Neca figures and so on.
So, when I get figures for Christmas, I usually put them on a list of ideas for folks to buy for me, or I bought them myself and then had my wife let the kids give them to me as my present. It's kind of lame, because you never get any really good surprises on Christmas, but this year was a little different.
My daughter gave me this for Christmas this year:
This is the Super7 Disney Ultimates Prince John from Robin Hood. I wanted this thing so bad, but those Ultimates go for about $55. Back when they first began the line, it was $35, and I had a hard time coughing up that much for the Thundercats figures I got, but it was even worse when the second wave came out, and they had raised the price to $45. Now they're at $55, and I am really regretting starting the collection of Thundercats, because the last few figures are going to be so expensive, even though they're the smallest ones.
So, that paragraph basically explains why I didn't already have this figure. It was just too expensive. Now, I wanted the figure so badly, though. Disney's Robin Hood was a touchstone in my youth. It was the first VHS cassette that my family owned, so we watched the hell out of that thing. I suspect that there is no movie in the world that I have seen more times than Robin Hood.
On top of that, it's pretty great. It's a really fun movie with great music and a lot of funny gags. I can quote that whole movie nearly word for word. If you paid attention to episodes of The Dunesteef over the years, then you certainly heard me quote a line or two (after which Rish Outfield always groaned).
So, it's not a surprise that my daughter got me something from Robin Hood, because she would know very well how much I liked it. The surprise is that she knew these figures existed, and that she caught them on a Black Friday sale for half price. It makes me really proud. What a great job she did this year. I love my present.
Now I need to watch for another sale, so I can get the Robin Hood in his stork disguise figure. When's our next chance for a day?
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