Saturday, March 30, 2024

One More Story

I've been waiting to post about this one for a while. I tried to publish it back near the start of the month, but I got an email from Amazon saying that I couldn't, because someone else had already published this story, and I had to prove that I had rights to publish it as well. Of course, the other person to publish, "Last Contact," was Rish Outfield, my co-author.

Our idea for how to deal with the whole collaboration co-author thing, rather than going through the pain of trying to track the profits (ha ha!) of the story and split the money between us, we would just each publish the story and then whoever buys it from him gives him their money and whoever buys it from me gives me their money.

Amazon insisted that I send them documentation of this, so I made up a contract and had Rish sign it for me so I could send it to them. They immediately denied my request, which was confusing, and I replied and asked why, and they replied and said, "Please send us the documentation." I suspect they didn't even look at the documentation the first time around when they denied it. So, I resent the contract, and they told me I needed to wait five days for them to determine if it was legit. Well, the other day, they finally responded and said my story was published.

So, here it is, my version (which is only different because it has a different cover image) of, "Last Contact."

The story won us a Parsec back in 2015, so it's pretty good...of course, a Parsec is an audio podcast award, so it could be due to the audio production as much as to the text itself. Who knows what inspired them to give us the award.

You should check it out over on Amazon. It's available for the low, low price of $2.99.


Rish Outfield said...

I thought we had established that your version and my version are different. But the one that ran on the Dunesteef was a long time ago, so I may be confused (I remember being irked when the girl says something along the lines of "Maybe on the new world I'll be pretty," and Hughes says, "But you are pretty," and the producer cut out my line "Hughes lied." It's not a big deal, except that it changes my/our intent with that line).

So weird that things can stick with you for so long.

Big Anklevich said...

Interesting. I don't remember that anymore. Our versions may be different. In fact, it's pretty likely, since you do another polish on every story before you publish it. You probably published a later version than mine. I don't know. It's been almost ten years...can you believe that?

Rish Outfield said...

Well, you look like a completely different person in your photos and videos, so . . . yeah, maybe it has.