Monday, August 22, 2022

The Final Episode of the Dunesteef

Rish and I recorded this thing back in 2011 as a failsafe in case we got in a fight and never wanted to speak to each other again or one of us (probably me considering my commute) died in a car crash. Luckily, neither of those eventualities came to pass, but we're releasing the show anyway, because the time to end the Dunesteef has come.

It just went up over at  (EDIT: Now that the is gone and the feed has gone away, the only place to hear this is on YouTube. If you want to hear that last episode, click the play button on the embedded video below).

If you're anything like me, you might need some tissues to get through it all, then again, you might not be a weirdo like me, and you'll be just fine. I don't know. There's got to be some non-weirdos that come to my blog sometimes.

It's been a wonderful, strange trip, and I'm so glad that you came along with me on it.

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