Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Final New Episode Of The Dunesteef

Folks, the day has finally come. Rish and I have talked about it, and decided that we can't let the Dunesteef languish forgotten any longer. It's time to put it to rest. It's time to give the old girl a proper burial.

It was a hard decision to make, and an even harder one to execute. The whole time that I've been working on this final episode, I've been really emotional. I keep finding myself on the verge of tears. 

Strangely, I also had a lot of fun putting the story together too. I did it up right, like Dunesteef episodes always have been, getting voices for all the characters, and putting in sound effects for the background noises and slurping glorping sounds. It was almost like putting on clothes that have been packed away for the winter and seeing just how good you look in them again. So fun.

I've had the finished episode in my hands for several days, and I couldn't bring myself to post it, but I finally had to summon the will, and push through. So, now it's here.

It's an episode with a story by Rish called, "Know When to Walk Away, Know When to Run." The story isn't particularly significant in its subject matter, but the title seemed very apt for our final episode. I've know for a long time that it was time to walk away, but I just couldn't get it together enough to do so.

I hope you enjoy the episode one last time. (EDIT: Now that the feed is gone, the only way to hear the show is over on the Dunesteef Podcast YouTube page, which I am embedding below).

I invite you to share your favorite memories of the podcast in the comments here or on the post on Facebook, or wherever we might see them.

Also, I would really like to encourage you to subscribe to the Anklecast and the Rish Outcast. Rish and I will continue to podcast on those feeds. Rish has been going strong there for years, and I am restarting the Anklecast.

It's going to be a story episode once a month, and I have tricked Rish into agreeing to appear on the show for every episode, so it will almost be just like the Dunesteef was. You can even support the show over on Patreon now too. You can also do that for the Rish Outcast, which I'd recommend, because Rish is always interesting to listen to, no matter what he's saying.

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