Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Day 22 (75 Hard)

This morning was my wife's birthday. She had the day off, but unfortunately I did not. I wanted to do something special with her before I had to leave for work, but I also needed to do two hours of workouts in the morning as well. I decided that I would just get up extra early and get my workouts in before she even woke up, and later I could take her out for breakfast.

I set my alarm for 6:00 AM, but my stupid brain was worried about it I guess, and I woke up at 5:00 AM instead. I tried to go back to bed, but it didn't work. Instead, I just laid there for thirty minutes, not sleeping, but not getting out of bed.

At last, I decided I would stop wasting my time there in bed. I got up, tiptoed around getting dressed, and went out for my walk. I don't have a picture of it, because it was way too dark for my camera to get anything but a black screen.

I do have my log though. I had to take a little different route, sticking with the sidewalks along the big street, rather than going into the dark, treelined trails. The trails are supposed to be closed at dusk and not available again until dawn, and I had stupidly woken up before dawn.

As soon as I got back, I went straight out to the garage and started lifting weights. Since the garage has a light in it, I was able to get a picture at least. This is me doing dumbbell military press. Someday when all the fat comes off, I'm going to look pretty good.

After that, I went in and grabbed my keys. My wife insisted that I shouldn't buy her a present because we're going on a trip later this year to Mexico, and that is going to be her birthday present. I couldn't let her birthday pass without getting her something, though.

I had tried stopping at the grocery store the night before and picking her up some flowers and a card, but they had closed the store early, despite claiming to be open till midnight. Several other people arrived at the store while I was there, expecting it to be open, so I know I didn't just have the hours wrong. 

That was okay, though, because the store opened at 6:00 AM. By the time I finished my two workouts, it had been open for a little while already.

I got her some flowers and a card, my card said, "Happy Bacon Day," on the front, and on the inside it said, "Oops, I mean happy birthday. (Mmm....bacon!). I couldn't think of a more fitting card to come from me. I also got her a piece of pumpkin cake, because they had it available, and she loves pumpkin stuff.

I set up the flowers in a vase in the kitchen, along with the card and the cake, and waited for her to wake up. When she did, we got ready to go out to her favorite breakfast joint. Before jumping in the shower, I weighed myself for my weekly Tuesday weigh in. Here's last week's weight:

And here's what this week came out to:

So, I managed to lose another 6.6 pounds this week. Pretty good. A pound or so more than last week, and I'm still making significant progress on the weight loss thing. Of course, as I say every time, weight isn't the thing that matters. I don't want to lose weight, because that could entail anything. I could lose a lot of weight if I cut my own leg off, but I don't think I'd be better off because of it. 

What I want to lose is fat, and I'm sure that I didn't lose 6.6 pounds of fat in one week. Again, it's all mostly water and that kind of stuff shedding off.

Once we were all ready, we went to breakfast. My wife got her standard order, a west coast eggs Benedict. 

I had trouble getting the waitress to understand my order. When I told her I wanted just two plain burger patties, she seemed to misunderstand. Then later she came out and told me that her manager had said she had to charge me for the whole burger meal, and not just the patties. When I got irritated while trying to explain that wasn't what I wanted, and that I had ordered the same thing here in the past, the manager came over, and talked for a moment with me. Then she finally figured out what I was after, and I was able to eat food that went with my diet plan.

After coming home, I headed out to work, then later, after arriving home, read my book and took my picture, finishing out the requirements for another completed day.

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