Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Story I Haven't Published Until Now

I just put a story up on Amazon for y'all to purchase. Up until now, I have been a little afraid to publish it. It's probably one of the darkest stories I've ever written. It's called Undo.

It's about a high school kid who gets a mysterious stopwatch that can jump time backward a minute whenever he pushes the button. What could he do with that? Well, as I said before, the story is possibly the darkest I've ever written. You could probably call this the origin story for a supervillain. In fact, I did consider using this character as an enemy that would face The Gauntlet in one of the books in the series. Maybe I still will. Since I've only written the first book, there's plenty of time for that.

Just know this, I do not advocate for nor do I condone any of the things the character does in this story. I was afraid to release the story because of what readers might think of me. I'd like to think that our readers would never confuse the opinions or actions of a writer's characters with the opinions or actions of a writer, but sometimes it happens. So, I'm putting out this disavowal preemptively.

Alright, check out Undo over on Amazon for the low, low price of $3.99. It's 15,000 words long, so you get your money's worth. Enjoy.

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