Monday, August 12, 2024

Study Group

I got to make another appearance over on the Rish Outcast this month. A while back, Rish, Marshal, and I recorded a sketch that he'd written about a group of folks being asked about how their clinical trial on the new drug was going. The drug is known to cause a few side effects, and they wanted to know how badly any of us were experiencing them.

Eventually, Rish got up the nerve to ask a woman to play the one part written for a woman, Tena Kolokowski got him the lines, and now he has released it on his show. As usual with a Rish Outfield sketch, hilarity ensues. Hopefully you enjoy my performance as the beligerantly paranoid guy. Typecasted again.

To listen to the show, find it on the Rish Outcast feed or follow the LINK back to Rish's blog. You can also just click the play button below if all that other stuff is too much work for you. We aim to please here!

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