Thursday, February 22, 2024

Doggo (Festive)

At the same Walmart that had the $10 Batmobile that I mentioned yesterday, I also found a Fortnite Christmas figure. I grabbed it, because I figured it had to be on clearance by now. If it wasn't, I'd leave it behind at the register, but it rang up as $3, which is particularly cheap for a Fortnite guy, not even Ross sells them that cheap, so I took him home with me.

He'll surely go up at Christmas, but he might get to have some fun on Ankletown Station around December as well. I can put him with the Cuddle Team Leader Christmas figure, and if he manages to come in time, the 4-inch scale Santa Claus that I pre-ordered in December.

he comes with this big hambone thing for his harvesting tool.

I'm sure I've said this before, but I hate the stupid harvesting tools. They're useless to me. I suppose Fortnite game fans must actually like them or they would have stopped bothering to include them a while ago, but I think they're pointless.

This one might be somewhat worth it though. If I cut the handle of it off, it could be a big Christmas ham that someone has on their table. It's not bad looking for that.

So, maybe it's not totally worthless like the rest of those stupid harvesting tools are. It kind of surprises me how I'm still finding Christmas figures in February. I wonder if this will keep going on all year long. I wouldn't hate that, I have to admit. I sure love decorating with toys at Christmastime.

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