Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sunday Funday Not Over

I talked all about Super Happy Incredible Toys' Sunday Funday event on my last post, and showed off what I picked up there, but it turns out that Sunday was quite a big day for me when it came to toy collecting. It wasn't over after I left the Funday proceedings.

I was driving right past a Ross that I sometimes visit on my way to work when I have left early enough to have the time to stop, only today it was a Sunday, so I had all the time in the world. I decided to stop, and it turned out to be good that I did.I picked up about as much at Ross as I did at the Sunday Funday.

Walking up to the toy section, I saw that they had new Star Wars Vintage Collection offerings. There was the Mythral from the Mandalorian show.

I have that guy, but I thought I could use this one to make a custom. After all, it's only four bucks. I'm not going to pass up a Star Wars alien at $4. I slapped cuffs on that fugitive and brought him home with me.

Then they had these three guys.

It's that goofy guy from the death star with the underbite-looking helmet. I saw some of these a while back, and got them, and then you add these three, and I now have five. I really like the way they look. There's just something about that helmet.

I think they could be good functionaries at the space station's control center. I think of them sitting behind a computer at a normal desk but wearing that crazy helmet, and it makes me chuckle. I could see them as being the staff in a picture like this one by Empire Toy Works.

Although that control room looks a little too space-age. It would be even funnier if they were seated in front of a more normal office desk but yet wearing that crazy helmet if you ask me.

They had one more thing that I thought might be worth buying. I picked up this blue Halo guy.

I have an awful lot of these Halo guys, but none of them are this blue color, so I thought it could be a good one to add to the group.

I mostly expect to turn them into custom figures, pulling those helmets off and trading them out for alien heads or something like that. I just got that other red Halo guy the other day too.

I guess this wave of Halo figures is hitting Ross right now. Maybe I'll be buying even more as they come in.

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