Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Canada Man

I thought I had to share this with y'all. My daughter is an artist, and this year for Christmas, she did a special drawing for my youngest son.

When he was very little, he and his sister created a superhero character they called Canada Guy.

Little had always liked dressing up as Captain America, and running around the house with a frisbee that he pretended was his shield. He liked to hold it on his back, storing it there like the real Captain America did.

I eventually got him a real Captain America frisbee to make his pretend fun a little more real to him.

At last, I got him a costume so he could complete the ensemble, and really take his Captain America fun to the max.

So, it was only natural that they went to the Canada well, and created Canada Guy as another character for him to dress up as.

We went to Canada to visit Grandma and Grandpa, and while we were there, we bought a Canadian flag at the dollar store. As you might expect, the flag turned out to be tiny. Two feet by three feet, I think. What did you expect from the dollar store?

There was little use for such a tiny flag, but the kids discovered that it was the perfect size to be a cape for the little guy. So, they dressed him up in all his Canada themed clothes, from sweatshirts to mittens, put the flag on his back, and called him Canada Guy. He ran around the house, saving the great white north from...I don't know the evil Jack Frost or something.

Over the years, he has pulled out that old flag, and used it as a cape again and again. He got in an argument with his sister, because he insisted that Canada Guy needed to actually be named Canada Man. His costume has changed as he's grown out of his Canada sweatshirt and changed it over to a T-shirt, then to a different sweatshirt.

This Christmas, my artist daughter thought it would be nice to give him a poster of Canada Man to put on his wall. So, she spent several hours designing and drawing this poster, printed it out at the local Walgreens, and presented it to him on Christmas day.

Cool, huh? I meant to share it with y'all earlier, but I forgot to, and it slipped my mind until now. But here you go, The Extraordinary Canada Man.

The kids have been expanding his mythos since Christmas day. Canada Man may soon have a sidekick. They can't seem to decide whether the sidekick is a girl that can turn into a grizzly bear, or just a grizzly bear who thinks and talks like a human, but a grizzly bear is definitely in the offing. You may get a new picture with the bear as well soon.

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