Saturday, February 8, 2020

Not An Invitation, But A Threat

I came into work the other day, and saw the usual box of donuts sitting on the counter where you put things if they're available for anyone to eat.

I saw that slogan on the top of the box, "You deserve a donut," and I couldn't help but pause and take a picture so that I could rant about it here on my blog.

I'm sure the feeling behind the slogan is supposed to be some kind of invitation. They're saying, "You did a lot of work her at this stupid job you slave away at every day, you deserve a donut for all that. Or something to that effect. These donuts are supposed to be a treat.

I don't see it that way anymore. I see that slogan and it sounds like a threat to me. It makes me think about when I was young and my dad or mom might say, "You deserve a spanking!" Or when the villain in a movie is at the mercy of the hero, and he's trying to decide whether to kill him or not, and someone vindictive beside the hero says, "He deserves to die!"

Donuts weren't my friends. I loved them like a crack addict loves his smack, but having love for something doesn't make it love you back. Donuts treated me poorly. Saying "You deserve a donut" now is a threat. You might as well say, "You deserve diabetes!" or "You deserve heart disease!" or "You deserve a stroke!" because that's really what's being said in that phrase.

Does anyone say, "You deserve some heroin"? Well, other than the dealer who just wants you to keep using until they've extracted every last dime out of you and you die. Sugar and carbohydrates are poison. They're drugs. Your body might be able to handle them in small doses, but we get anything but small doses in our modern food environment.

Does that make someone pushing donuts on you a drug dealer? In my mind, yes. Maybe they don't realize it...completely anyway. Nobody thinks that donuts are healthy, but we all seem to rationalize it. We say that moderation is the key, never considering that moderation isn't even an option in our present day reality.

It's everywhere. All around us. You can't escape it. And sugar is addictive. At least as addictive as cocaine according to a study performed in rats.

Why would somebody push something addictive onto their fellow men? The drug dealer does it because he wants your money more than he cares about any other thing. Those big companies that came up with the concept of the bliss point are no better than drug dealers. The people who told us to avoid fat and eat more carbohydrates certainly are the same.

The healthcare industry just wants to prescribe us extremely expensive drugs that probably will only mask the symptoms of our diseases while stringing us along for enough time to drain our whole bank accounts of any savings we ever had. I can't help but laugh as all the politicians promise to make health care more affordable. Health care has little to do with making people better. Shawn Baker calls it the Disease Management Industry, and that's a pretty good name for it. We don't need better health care. We need better advice. If we all dropped the carbs and started eating fat for a change, there would be barely any use for a health care industry.

Don't believe me, head over to MeatRX and read the success stories. You'll see people who lost a bunch of weight, but that's not all. You'll also find people who healed themselves of dozens of different chronic diseases, and turned their health from garbage to golden in the space of as little as a month.

I personally ditched my diabetes that I was diagnosed with in 2016 by ditching the carbs. I was on a bunch of pills each day for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, and a daily aspirin just to keep my blood thin so I didn't stroke out. I don't take any of those anymore. I don't need them. I don't worry about my health at all.

Why? Because I eat fatty meat, and nothing else.

Might sound restrictive, but I assure it's not. It's wonderful. I eat more calories than most people do on a daily basis, but they don't go to my spare tire like the carbs did. They go straight into energy and repairing and building my body into something that it hasn't been for dozens of years. And unlike diets that you've tried before, I'm never hungry. Fatty meat fills you up in a way that we rarely get to experience in our modern food culture. To me, every meal is a Thanksgiving feast.

I'm so happy that I discovered the carnivore diet. It's changed my life for the better in so many amazing ways.

You don't deserve a donut. You deserve a steak.

I probably ought to make a new before and after. That one's getting out of date now.

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