Friday, April 22, 2022

Garage Days Re-Revisited

I've been doing that 30-Day Carnivore Challenge with Marshal Latham for a little while now, and I'm doing really well. I'm happy about that.

We cleaned out the garage this past weekend, and I wasn't happy about that. It took a long time, and required a lot of work, and I'm completely worn out from it.

However, we accomplished something that makes the last two paragraphs go together. We managed to unearth my weight bench.

It had been buried under junk for months...while I had been burying myself in junk food.

Now that I'm getting back into the good eating thing, I'll be ready to start exercising again. That wouldn't have been possible before this weekend, but now I'll be able to get back at it, and I'm happy about that.

Buy the way, we're selling the canoe and the Ikea bed there on the right. Local pickup only.

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

Now that you have a truck, can't you take me out canoeing sometime?