Friday, April 1, 2022

My Baby

Oh man, I don't know what to do. My wife let the cat out in the backyard last night, and she disappeared. My wife couldn't find her to bring her in last night. We hoped that the colder temperatures of the late night or maybe her rumbly tummy would bring her back, but she still never showed up in the morning.

She's never been outside for more than a few minutes, so we are all fearing the worst. I spent all morning taping flyers up to the stop signs around the neighborhood.

The kids are going to be devastated if she doesn't come back. My son was crying this morning, and the only way I could get him to stop was to have him come out and look around for the cat on the way to school.

My daughter was hoping this was an April Fools prank, and said that she would cite this trauma to her shrink one day as the thing that started it all.

Forget the kids, I'm going to be destroyed if she doesn't come back. I know it sounds crazy coming from me, since I've professed for so long to hate cats, but this cat has taught me that not all cats are standoffish bastards that would just as soon eat your corpse as the food that you put out for them each day.

That's just what our old cat, Juno, is like. This new kitten is wonderful and fun, and she better come back, because I won't ever be able to smile again if she doesn't.

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