Sunday, April 24, 2022

Further Obsessed

I talked a few times about how I have become obsessed with Empire Toy Works' Rotgut Station photos, and how I want to make some kind of crazy cool diorama like his for my own toys to occupy.

Well, now it's only gotten worse. You see, one of the things I like best about his Rotgut station is how he has so many customized action figures and spaceships on display there. I decided to do a search on custom spaceship and robots, and I was treated to dozens of videos that sparked my imagination like crazy.

I particularly liked this guy, Dr. Toys. His robot designs were really awesome. Check out this video:

He makes that sweet astromech-type droid with a bunch of leftover garbage.

Or this video:

I think I like that one even more. What a cool idea to separate the two halves like that. It looks so great. Imagine that guy running around in Rotgut Station...or Anklevich Station.

Then there's this video:

That walker looks like it totally belongs in the movies, right next to the regular chicken walker. Man, I really want to try to make my own custom droid.

Then I looked for custom spaceships, and came across videos like this one where a whole group of people were making speeders for their action figures to tool around in out of things from the recycle bin.

Now, I not only want to make a super cool diorama filled with interesting action figures and spaceships, but I also want to make my own action figures and spaceships to populate the diorama too. The obsession grows!

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