Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The First Resident Of My Space Port

My obsession with imitating Empire Toy Works persists. Today, I swung by Ross, and I saw that they had a Bone Wasp figure for $5.99.

Normally I wouldn't look twice at this figure. I think the head sucks so bad, but wait...the body is basically just street clothes...maybe street clothes with a little more flair than most, I guess. I could use that body for a kitbash, maybe with one of the Star Wars aliens that I have.

So, I grabbed it, took it home, and merged it with a Squid Head. Here we go, DJ Squid Head.

I think it looks really fun. I probably need to trade the hands out too. Squid Heads (I know they have some kind of canonical alien name like Trandoshians or something, but I'm old school, and I call them Squid Heads, because that's what the card back to my figure said), have long creepy fingers, not regular old human hands like these.

I think I might have the first resident of my own Rotgut Station...or whatever it is that I decide to build when I finally go there.

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

Squid Heads are canonically "Quarren." And those long creepy fingers are gonna have their way with you one day.