Thursday, August 18, 2022

Are You My Conscience?

It's time for another pedantic grammar post. Yay!

I was watching the Astros game the other day, when I noticed this super about the keys to the game:

There's a grammar problem in there. It might be hard to find if you don't speak sports though. 

First of all, to clear things up, the White Sox pitcher has the last name of Cease, so that first line will make more sense if you know that. 

Secondly, JV stands for Justin Verlander, the Astros pitcher, not Junior Varsity, like it usually does. That wouldn't be a typo, but it might seem weird for them to be talking about the Astros Junior Varsity squad, since the Astros are not a high school team.

Lastly, there is no missing word at the end of the second line. A fastball in means a fastball thrown to pass over the inside of home plate, or the side of the plate closest to the batter. So, that's not the typo either.

If you do speak sports, then you saw right away the transposed word. They say that the pitcher needs to make the White Sox conscience of his fastball. Oops. The word I think they were looking for is conscious. The White Sox need to be aware of that fastball so that they don't crowd the plate and take away options from the pitcher as to where he can throw it.

As to the White Sox conscience? I don't know how they're feeling about things right now. Do they feel guilty because they get to play a game for a living while getting paid more than people who work grueling difficult jobs cleaning sewage or picking up their garbage? Did one of them hit his dog before coming to the game and can't shake that nagging feeling that he did wrong? Maybe one of them shot a man in Reno just to watch him die, and still hears the screams echoing in his mind every time he tries to sleep at night. Who knows, but I don't think it has to do with the fastball in.

Or maybe the White Sox should feel guilty because they just keep beating the Astros day after day, dammit.


Rish Outfield said...

I get frustrated about stupid typos pretty much every other day (the one I see used more than "conscience/conscious" is when people say, "Breath. You just need to breath."), so you're not alone. You're never alone. Not here.

Okay, break's over.

Big Anklevich said...

The breath one is one that I actually do sometimes. So, you can hate me...just don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me about the breath thing.

The one I see the absolute most of all, and I even saw it in the slug for a news story yesterday, is people using the word loose when they mean lose. I guess it's understandable, I mean, how do you pronouce the word loo, if, for example, you had to go to it? But still, it drives me crazy. I guess we all have our blind spots and only Grammarly can save us...or at least that's what I gather from the millions of commercials I see for the damned thing.