Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Oops, Shoulda Fixed That First

I was at the dollar store the other day, and they had a bunch of Halloween crap out to buy in August, you know, in case it's important to you to be the very first on your block to have Halloween crap on your house. While I looked at the stuff, I noticed this sign:

I can't decide if that is just a typo that somebody never fixed because Photoshop doesn't have a spellcheck or if somebody got a little too clever with their design and shot themselves in the foot. 

Is the S on the end of pumpkins a mistake, because it should say "Welcome to our pumpkin patch" not "Welcome to our pumpkins patch," or is it supposed to read "Welcome pumpkins" but then they tried to get clever and make it say something more if you saw the smaller print added on in white...kind of like this mug we got for my old boss when he left us a few months ago:

Only in this case they forgot to make sure that both phrases worked. What do you think? I'm actually guessing the latter. I don't think it was a typo. I think it was someone trying to be too clever for their own good.

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