Sunday, August 21, 2022

Patreon Pics

When I launched my Patreon a week ago, I had to go with the stuff that I had available.  Particularly, the little pictures that went with each tier of membership. I wanted something that was personal, but the best I could come up with was the Memojis that you can design for yourself on your iPhone.

It was okay, I mean, it was me...but it also wasn't mine. I wanted it to be mine, so A) Apple couldn't come to me some day and dump a cease and desist on me or demand royalties or something and B) people didn't look at it and say, "What a loser, he just used stupid Memojis for this. That sucks. I ain't gonna support this chump."

I bugged my daughter a lot, and she did as kids do and tried to avoid doing the effort. Yesterday, I finally broke down and made my own drawings of the Memojis, and asked her to just digitize them for me. I think she felt guilty enough that she finally put in the effort, and made me these amazing little cartoons to use on the membership tier page.

I think they're really cute, and definitely preferable to the ones I had before. Doesn't the tier page look so much better?

I bet it makes you want to rush over to Patreon and sign up. Don't wait, act now! Supplies are running out!

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