Saturday, August 27, 2022

Tie Fighter

Little went to the dollar store the other day, and found that they were selling Halloween-themed bow ties...for cats. Well, he couldn't turn that down, and it was only a dollar. Something he couldn't possibly just walk away from. It's like Russell said on Pixar's Up.

When fate looks you in the eye and smiles, you don't just walk away, folks. You take her up on her offer.

So, they got Jupiter a Halloween-themed bow tie.

Now, anyone who has ever owned a cat...or really, any pet...knows that they aren't interested in or fond of wearing clothes. You might be able to train a dog to wear a sweater, but this is a cat we're talking about.

He came home and put it on her, and she immediately tried to get it off. Eventually succeeding. A couple of days later, he tried again, and this time, he made sure to get a picture as soon as he got it on, because he knew it wouldn't last very long.

Isn't it darling? The funny part is that, since cats don't make facial expressions, you can't see the utter disgust that she's feeling at being forced to wear this stupid bow tie. She almost looks like she's posing proudly, showing off how great she looks in a bow tie.

If it were video, however, you'd know. If by nothing else than the fact that she struggled her way out of that tie in seconds flat.

Oh well, at least we got a picture. That's worth a dollar, right?

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