Wednesday, March 27, 2024

As You Wish

In 2022, my wife got me all five of the Princess Bride figures that I wanted for Christmas. It was a really great present. The most I expected was one or two of them, but she searched the internet for a toy store that was selling them at a huge discount and grabbed them all.

So, when it comes to The Princess Bride, I'm good. I'm pretty much good.

However, some of the variant figures that McFarlane made are starting to show up at Ross, and they only want $5. I bet that's even cheaper than my wife got all the figures for in 2022. So, when I saw the Westley variant without the mask on and with the bloody shoulder from his escapades in saving Buttercup, I figured I had to grab it.

I took the traditional picture in my car before driving home to show it off. It's pretty cool, but I hope to find the Buttercup in her wedding dress, or else I'll feel like I don't really have enough to put it up on the shelf. I suspect that I'll find it though, so I'm not worried.

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