Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Frayed Ends of Sanity

Rish Outfield loves having some kind of prompt or contest to write stories from. We've done several exercises together where we give each other a prompt and then both write a story based on it. If you're a listener from the Dunesteef days, then you might remember the various Broken Mirror Story Events that we did over there. They were based on this.

Well, one time Rish got the idea that it would be fun to have a Broken Mirror with me where we each wrote a story that uses a Metallica song as its title and inspiration. Rish chose "My Friend of Misery," from the dark days when Metallica lost their way in the 90s. I chose, "The Frayed Ends of Sanity." Rish wrote a 149 page novel based on the idea he came up with. I wrote a 32 page short story.

But hey, we both had another notch on our belt, another credit to our name!

"The Frayed Ends of Sanity" has languished on my hard drive ever since, but in this process of publishing as much as I can, I've finally unearthed it and put it out in the wild for anyone to consume it if they'd like. It's never been seen anywhere else. The only way you can get it is by buying a copy over on Amazon and reading the eBook of it, so for once I don't have to say, "if you don't remember the podcast that it came from you can buy it and refresh your memory, I guess."

So, I invite you to check it out and do your level best to enjoy it.

"The frayed ends of sanity, hear them calling...hear them calling me."


Rish Outfield said...

We ought to do another Song Title Challenge like this sometime . . . except for with songs by Cardi B.

Big Anklevich said...

As long as I get to claim "WAP", I'm in.