Friday, March 22, 2024


I'm almost done here, folks. I've just about published every single story I a scant few that will never see publication...or even the light of fact, they'll probably be deleted outright, to make sure that no one can even find them after I'm dead.

Anyway, today, I'm highlighting my story, "Unfortunate." This little stinker...I mean fun piece of flash fiction was released as an exercise over on The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine. We needed an episode, and rather than send emails out to all our producers who were in the process of preparing episodes for us to run, I decided that I would just look up a prompt and write a story based on it, and then we could put the result on the show.

Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of this story. I suppose that's why it's getting released near the end of the line. It's about a guy who goes on a date, and when his fortune cookie comes at the end of their meal, the message inside is very different than what one might expect.

Also, this cover I made stinks.

It's as basic as can be, but I didn't want to waste much more effort on it, so I just left it. I tried to get the AI to give me a better image, but it doesn't know what a fortune cookie is, and gave me things like this:

Those are all great pictures...but not of fortune cookies, and I did need a fortune cookie. Thank you.

So, I'm sure by now I've fully persuaded you to never read this story, but if you are the possessor of a strong stomach, head over to Amazon, where you can purchase the eBook for a ninety-nine measly cents.


Anonymous said...

Make sure that all your podcasts migrate to YouTube Music, as Google is moving their podcasts there by 4-1-24. They show up in Google Podcasts until Apr. Unfortunately they're not in YT music at this point (or at least I can't find them... Same with Dunesteef).

Rish Outfield said...

Makes me want to write a story where a dude goes to a Chinese restaurant, but instead of a fortune cookie, what they bring him is one of those things A.I. created for you.

"I'm sorry, what is that?"

"Is like fortune cookie, only more different."

"Oh, okay. Thanks."