Saturday, March 2, 2024

Valentine's Out And Easter In

I have a lot of fun decorating my study with toys that are related to whatever the upcoming holiday might be. I go all out for Halloween and Christmas, and even my Fourth of July stuff is getting pretty extensive, but there's a few other holidays that I've started amassing toys to decorate with. I posted about a month ago about my small but growing Valentine's Day display, but now that holiday has come and gone, it's time to decorate with some new stuff.

That's right, I've put up my Easter toys now. Of course, I have to begin with my favorite display of the White Rabbit with her henchmen, the pink bunnies.

The Easter garland thing is riding a little low, though. I probably ought to re-tape that, to get the happy Easter sign up to where you can read it.

Next, there's the Fortnite guy called the Nitehare.

He's nice and creepy, and I like him a lot. However, the one I have has an issue. He came missing a part of his foot. He's supposed to be wearing bunny slippers, but the front of his foot with the bunny head on it fell of on his right foot. His left foot, the one behind the speeder bike, is still fine, so I just live with it.

I have the Five Nights At Freddy's bunny figures that I put up each year.

And this Lego Easter bunny that I found at Walmart in one of those poly bags once.

And these two Fortnite figures. One of them is an official Easter outfit, the other one is just a figure that is dressed in pastels, so I thought it fit with Easter. Put a happy Easter sign in her hand, and boom, it's an Easter figure.

Then there's this Gundam looking guy from Fortnite. He's an armored rooster called the Sentinel. So, I made him guard the eggs, you know, to keep people from eating them.

This year, I finally got around to adding Jaxxon to my Easter collection. He was selling for pretty cheap on Amazon, so I picked one up. He's a Star Wars guy from the comics that just looks like a green rabbit. I guess if they have green alien pig men, then they could have green alien bunny men as well. I found some goofy carrot things at the dollar store, and posed him with them.

That's the last of the particularly Easter toys, but I did also make this one with a bunny head that I got from the dollar store last year.

I think it looks pretty good with that Halo girl's body.

Similarly, I added this bunny head to my AT-AT. It's just the right size and hangs on there pretty easily.

Of course, I always have something from my Pez dispenser collection to put up on a holiday.

Then I have a few standard decorations like this egg.

And this sign.

And, as you can see in those pictures, I have these little white bunnies. They are bunny erasers and they come in packs of eight at the dollar store. I've bought a bunch of them, and I love to put them all through my toy shelves for Easter.

Sometimes they're just boring ones like this, where the rabbit is on the shelf in the display with the figures.

But generally, I prefer it when I can get the bunny interacting with the figures a little bit.

Then there's the figures who don't like those bunnies, and take out their frustrations on them.

The trouble is that I have so many of those little eraser bunnies that I inevitably miss one or two when putting the decorations away, and then find them a month or two later.

So, that's my Easter decorations. They'll be up for a month or so. Here's a few shots of the shelves with several things all appearing together.

Easter is early this year, the last day of March. After that, I'll get a few months of regular shelves before I put up my Fourth of July.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Is that Ralphie?