Friday, June 23, 2023

Countdown To The 4th, Day 2

This one is one of my favorite Captain America figures. This is the Face-Off Captain America that Toy Biz put out back in 2006.

Rish and I were big-time toy hunters in those days, and we got all the different variants of the Face-Off figures. They came in two-packs with a hero and his arch nemesis. Captain America came with Red Skull, who I wasn't particularly interested in. I only wanted to assemble the Avengers, so I sold the Red Skull off, and kept this Captain America. 

For years, I swore that it was the best Captain America they ever made, but a few years back I finally had to admit that their most recent release of a classic Captain America outshined the Face-Off version, so I retired this Cap to the holiday decoration roster. But here he is now, it's his one time to shine each year.

Isn't it nice that the Star-spangled Man with a Plan gets to pose next to a star-spangled bow? I bet the bow has a plan too.

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