Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Skipping The Drudgery

Movies and TV are not real life. Even reality shows are not real life. One of the main things they do in movies and TV is skip the boring parts of life and the drudgery. Nobody wants to watch that on TV, they already get enough of that in their own life.

I mean, take The Mandalorian. You don't see that guy sitting on the toilet (while still wearing his helmet) and pinching off a loaf. You also don't see him cooking up Mynock Eggs and Bacon for breakfast, or changing baby Yoda's diaper.

That doesn't mean that Disney doesn't see the value in those things though, behold:

Baby Yoda Wipes! Do you think he is as cute after he's had a major blowout and you're going through wipe after wipe trying to clean all of that runny stuff up?

This is the change a diaper.

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