Saturday, May 6, 2023

Toy Overlaod, Part 1

If you're not into my toy blog posts, then you probably don't need to stop in for at least a few days (as if anyone stops in, I'm lucky if I can get people to read the blog if I physically grab them with one of those big canes and yank).

My daughter came back from college for the summer, which meant that it was the perfect time to get all the things that Rish has been buying and saving for me for the last while, because he could get it to me with no shipping charges. My daughter just threw it in the back seat.

So, what did I get? Well, let's start with these.

The vintage X-Men wave Storm and Dark Phoenix. These are two characters that I lust...oops, I mean love. As far as Storm goes, I get every version of her that I can. Usually, I try to stick to on difinitive version for each character in my collection, but she's one of the few characters that I don't mind having several versions.

By no means is that a definitive collection, but it's a lot for me. A while back, however, I found another Storm that I didn't have on BigBadToyStore. I was feeling frisky, I guess, and I pre-ordered it. Then it suggested I might like this Dark Phoenix, and I don't have any version of her, so I pre-ordered that as well.

Later that day, I mentioned it to Rish, and he said that he already had both of those figures, and I asked him if I should cancel my pre-orders and buy them from him instead. He was willing to do so. I hope he didn't lose out on money on them. I'd like to help him now and then by buying figures I want from him, but I can't pay exorbitant prices, so if he thinks he can get exorbitant prices down the road, I hope he tells me no, and sells them to the suckers who can.

Anyway, he sent me Storm, and I got her up on my shelf.

He told me this was just a black suit repaint of the white suit Storm I have above, and I insisted that it wasn't. I was certain that the white suit one didn't have the shoulder pads with the X-Men symbols on them. Of course I was wrong:

I should have known. Arguing with Rish about the minutiae of Marvel Legends is like arguing with a mathematician about which of the two of us got the problem on my kid's homework right.

The other figure of the batch, Dark Phoenix, just looks beautiful, doesn't it?

I haven't got her on the shelf yet, because I want to pose her flying like this, but I need to make a flight stand to put her on, so for now she just waits, but soon, my pretty, soon...

More to come tomorrow about what else Rish sent my way.

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