Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Also At Ollie's

Ollie's is a half hour drive for me, and not in a direction that I'm going anyway, so I don't go there very often. The trip I made out there was only my third trip ever, and the store has been open more than a year.

While I was there, therefore, I wanted to make sure to get anything that I really wanted, so I didn't have regrets, and feel the need to drive back out there again in a few weeks...or days.

One of the things I was looking at, and wondering about, were these spaceships from a toy line called Star Wars Mission Fleet. 

This is a line made for little, little kids. It's one of those ones where the figures have great big feet and big hands, to make them look cuter, and the ships tend to be blockier, rather than their usual sleek shape, like that X-Wing you see above.

However, the ships aren't always that way. I've often looked at some of the ships they have at Walmart, and wondered how well they would scale into either of the ideas I have for space stations...either 1/18 scale or 1/72 scale. More likely that it would be 1/72, but who knows. Maybe a 3 3/4 inch figure could fit in behind the wheel of one of these ships.

I never have checked to find out, however, because they cost a decent amount of money. the last thing I want to do is pay a bunch for something I just can't use.

However, at Ollie's they were only asking $4.99 for some of the ships, so I decided to buy one and see how it might scale. I chose the Ahsoka Tano Jedi Starfighter.

It looks pretty good, as far as the shape of it goes. Not weird or misshapen in an attempt to make it look cute. The figure was pretty much a worthless thing, though.

I couldn't think of any use that I'd have for that.

I put this ship next to the Lightyear ships that I'd gotten over the last while.

It doesn't look ridiculously large or anything, but it definitely doesn't look like a single person starfighter that it is supposed to be. I looked at it, and thought that I could make it look like a ship that maybe four or five people flew in if I painted it right. I just needed to paint that canopy, and leave only a tiny portion clear for the much smaller crew to see out.

I'd have to remove that droid head too. I wondered if I could salvage it and use it for a droid that could walk around the station. It's much smaller than the droids that I just got a while back when I was visiting Rish Outfield though.

Maybe I could get it off and use it on some other ship, or maybe it could go on a much smaller droid...like a Chopper sized astromech. There has to be something I can figure out. I was thinking that maybe I could use the gun that it came with to go in the empty hole the droid head leaves vacant.

It fits into the three little slots that it has made for it in the two wings and right at the front of the ship, but moving it back where the droid was would probably make it so the crew couldn't see out the front. I'll probably have to try something different.

What color do you think I should paint this thing? I was thinking it might be fun to make it silver. The idea reminded me a lot of Queen Amidala's ship from The Phantom Menace and also of Max from The Flight of the Navigator.

I have a tendency to always want to make spaceships silver, even though it's kind of boring and generic though. It's some kind of 50s sci-fi thing that rules me, I don't know. Maybe I'll make it white, and give it a couple of stripes or something like a regular Star Wars ship.

Maybe I'll go for something like that. We'll see.

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