Saturday, October 28, 2023

Ends Here Tonight

A week ago, I gushed about the new album by Blink-182, quoted line after line of their song that left me feeling inspired, and pledged to start writing right after my birthday. Well, today is the day after my birthday, and it's time to get started. So, today I pulled up my story, "Karma Is My Boyfriend," which I began writing a year ago for Marshal Latham's Quordle Quell Story Contest but never finished, and began typing away at it again.

I'm here to attest to the fact that it was fun, I enjoyed my time that I spent on it, and I wrote 533 words. It was easier than I expected for the first day. I was fully prepared to only get ten words and quit if I had to, so long as I could say that I wrote something. Instead, I wrote enough to have made my goal of 500 goal that won't even begin until December. 

Right now, my goal is simply to write every day. I'm just trying to get back in the habit. I guess day one of establishing the habit went well.

So, here's day one on my new chart toward the future. My old shit ends here tonight.

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