Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Christmas Pez

It's no secret that I collect Pez dispensers, although, to be truthful, I've pretty much given up on that now. I don't get new ones very often. I figure I've got more than enough. I can't even find a place for most of them on my shelves anymore, so why get more? 

The other day I came across Loony Tunes Pez dispensers, and almost bought them, because that's a property that I like but don't have Pez for, but then I decided to put them back and leave them behind, because I had no place to put them. I have Loony Tunes Lego minifigures, and that was going to have to be the extent of my Loony Tunes collection.

I did however get one new Pez dispenser this past week. It was this reindeer. 

That's because it's a Christmas Pez dispenser, and each and every year, I put those up. I find a place for them and put them all up, so there's no problem getting more, and each and every year, they usually put out one or two new ones that I can add.

So, let's see what we've got.

Most of them are not available anymore, but that polar bear in the green and red hat was at the store next to the reindeer the other day. The penguins and snowglobes were not however. The world has moved on from them. It's kind of sad that I got two of each of those just because they had slight variations...a blue penguin to a green penguin, or a different picture on the snowglobe.

Mickey and Minnie here are new from last year. I'd never seen them before that. Throw a Santa hat on them and bam! Christmas decorations. That's something I'd love to do with all of my toys at Christmas time. Getting hats for them all is the hard part though. I tried to make a few of them last year, but it was more work than I was willing to put in to make enough to give out to all the toys.

I did see some for sale on Amazon, but I couldn't tell if they would be the right size, so I never bothered to buy them. Maybe I ought to revisit that...

Oops. I got off topic. When I got that reindeer I showed you before, it displaced a third snowglobe that I have...you know, different picture—and a different colored base this time too...so, since Mickey and Minnie had some extra space, I added it to the middle of them.

It's kinda weird though. Maybe I need to rearrange things. Maybe I ought to put all the snowglobes together, and put other stuff elsewhere. I'll have to look into that...or possibly leave it until next year.

I have these two snowmen.

The one with the red hat is the current one, the black hat is the old version. With all of these Christmas things, they tend to update them every few years. I guess it's to get collector chumps like me that will buy the new versions. They don't need to do it for the people who buy one for the kids to put in their stocking or something, those people will get whatever one is available, even if it's the same one that's been there on the store shelves since 2003. Sooner or later, there'll be another new snowman, and I'll add it to my group. I'll have to get them a new spot though, this one will only fit the two.

The other big group is these random ones.

They don't go together except for the fact that they are all things associated with Christmas...oh, maybe you can't tell, but that isn't just a sleeping blond girl, it's an angel. It has wings coming off its back. You can see just a hint of the white wings behind the hair on the left side.

Then there's Santa and his elves and reindeer.

Those elves are all the same dispenser, except that they colored them differentlly, so it looks like I've got three different elves. I would have kept buying more and more if they'd come up with other color schemes year after year.

Of course, as I said before, they're always updating them, and they just recently did that with Santa and his elves. Here's the new style.

It's just dot eyes now on Santa and the reindeer, although the elves had already converted over to that before. They made a new rounder-headed version of the elf, though. I wonder if there are other color versions out there...I ought to start watching for that.

As I showed you at the start, they already made a new version of the reindeer. So this group has two. Sadly, they don't quite fit in the spot made for them, due to those antlers. I may need to move them to a new larger spot next year, especially if there are more elves in different colors or something.

I wonder how many years it will take before I get enough reindeer to have eight...I've got three already. Come on, Pez. You can do it.

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