Saturday, November 18, 2023

Three Weeks Plus One

I got my writing done, but today was a bad day. We were so busy, out and running around the whole day through, that I barely managed to get the bare minimum in.

512 feels so piddly to me now. I've been getting eight or nine hundred every day. I need to get to the point where I can do 1,000 a day, so to regress feels bad. But at least I wrote. That was the actual goal. And I also wrote over 500, which was the upgraded goal. It's only been since later in the process that I started feeling like it should be higher.

13047 / 15000 (86.98%)

13,047 puts me at 86.98%. If I buckled down and wrote a thousand words two days in a row, I'd be over the goal more than a week before I was supposed to reach it. That would be cool. Even if I don't manage that though, this goal is dead meat. I should have made the goal 20,000. Maybe once I pass the original goal, I'll up it to 20,000 for the last week and see if I can't reach it.

My average came down today for the first time in a while. I was hoping to drive it up over 750 and instead I'm back under 725. My total is over 15,000 on the year, though. That's cool. I've been doing it for 22 days, and I beat my November goal for 30 days, so that is positive.

15419 / 304475 (5.06%)

And that pushes me over 5% for the year too. Huzzah!

It's interesting to think about what I would do if my goal was twice what it is now. If I had to write 1,000 words a I will next month...what would I do? I guess I'd just have to stay up later and keep going. I was tired and ready for bed tonight. Next month, I might have to skip the blog post and write on the story instead.

For now, I'm cruising my way through my book that I'm calling "Caught Up in Christmas." Someday, you can expect to see it adapted on the Hallmark Channel...wait, that's not gonna happen. The Hallmark Channel doesn't do a twilight zone version of their cutesy little Christmas romances, do they?

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